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Indie Chicks

Jul 16, 2018

In this episode, Lisa and Melissa discuss goal-setting for the professional editing process. They also share a new Tip of the week- All reviews of your book are valuable!

Listen in… EPISODE 5- Indie Editing: Goal-setting

First, and I chatted about our weeks. It was the 4th of July weekend, so we both viewed some great fireworks. I’m also hard at work drafting my WIP which is YA sci-fi romance. Lisa, on the other hand, had an incredible encounter with one of her fans from the Tucson Festival of Books.

Next, we dove into the main topic for this episode—editing. We discussed the stigma that is sometimes associated with self-publishing in regards to editing. Lisa talked about the beginnings of self-publishing and why the stigma started. I mentioned that independent publishing does not equal amateur publishing.

We then talked about our experiences with working with a professional editor.

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